Three months Fifa Coins before
Three months Fifa Coins before Fifa 14 ultimate team Coins federal authorities shuttered Megaupload andindicted its top seven executives, the file-sharing site's founder,Kim Dotcom, urged PayPal not to do business with rival sitesbecause of their "criminal activity," according to a 200-pagedocument Virginia federal prosecutors unveiled todayIf true, the revelation, one of countless the authorities notedin their;filing, adds a touch of irony to a long-stalled criminalprosecution of what US authorities have said is "among the largestcriminal copyright cases ever brought by the United States."
The October 2011 e-mail from Dotcom to PayPal, the text of whichwas released today, came as Megaupload terminated a rewards programthat provided monetary incentives to some of its 66 million usersto upload content.Our legal team in the US is currently preparing to sue some ofour competitors and expose their criminal activity. We like to giveyou a heads up and advice sic you not to work with sites that areknown to pay uploaders for pirated content. They are damaging theimage and the existence of the file hosting industry see whatshappening with the Protect IP act. Look atFileserve,;Videobb, Filesonic, Wupload,Uploadstation. These sites pay everyone no matter if the filesare pirated or not and have NO repeat infringer policy. And theyare using PAYPAL;to pay infringers."